After nearly five (!) years, blogging feels like a normal part of life.The Top 20 Posts
Normally, we only look at the top 10 posts. As in 2010, five of the ten are repeats (this time #1-4, 7). To show more variety let’s look at the top 20 instead.Here's what you read most.
- Quotes related to The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People (#1 in 2010)
- Does Warren Buffett "Buy Term and Invest The Difference"? (#3 in 2010)
- Napoleon Hill: The six basic fears from 1937 (#6 in 2010)
- Secret 7: The best tax sheltering in Canada (#7 in 2010)
- Should you switch to an actuarial career?
- Does billionaire Seymour Schulich help you “Get Smarter”?
- Toodledo does more than Remember The Milk
- The right way to view Netflix in Canada
- The Globe and Mail on Canada’s Insurance Loophole: What else is wrong?
- Napoleon Hill: Fear #2 (criticism)
- The pros and cons of financial leveraging
- Napoleon Hill: Fear #3 (ill health)
- The pitfalls of mortgage life insurance
- How to save on your next Audi, BMW or Mercedes-Benz
- What happens during a paramedical exam for life insurance?
- The problem of “trapped” retained earnings
- Me an actuary? Seven questions from a student
- PersonalBrain 5: data to information to wisdom
- The two drawbacks of investing in life insurance
- Warren Buffett’s tough career choice: actuary or billionaire?
Work A Peek
Here are the 2011 posts categorized for your convenience.
- Two ways to stay visible (and employable)
- Mailbag: career advice for students
- Interviewed by the Toronto Star
- Be proactive within your circle of influence
- Tell to win: Peter Guber and the art of storytelling
- The talent myth-conception
- Escape from the cage of mediocrity
- Break through your speaking barrier at Toastmasters
- Two ways to show gratitude
- How to fight cynicism and Reasons to be cynical
- Noxious Chinese drywall and beyond
- How to save on your next Audi, BMW or Mercedes-Benz
- You must see the Tim Burton exhibit at TIFF
- Your digital tapestry is your legacy
- Surviving a week without a dial tone
- Maker Faire Detroit 2011 disappoints
- Lessons from the demise of HP’s TouchPad
- Is your car built to last?
- 9/11 and the end of innocence
- Dad’s 75th birthday and Life lessons from a 50 year old
- The perfect smartphone: bye bye Blackberry. Hello Android and iPhone
- The horrors of Rogers “Ultimate” Internet
- The Globe and Mail on Canada’s Insurance Loophole: What else is wrong?
- Why after-sales service stinks for life insurance
- Does your insurance company win when you cancel your coverage?
- Do you care about long term case?
- Case study: The doctor the insurance advisor mistreated
- The pitfalls of mortgage life insurance
- Two types of insurance you may have but can’t own
- How Lamar Odom’s mom saved his life
- Rate hikes: Is your advisor sleeping on the job?
- RIP: What happens if your insurance advisor dies?
- RIP: Steve Jobs “buttoned up”. Have you?
- Income replacement: A guide to disability insurance
- Where does your insurance advisor get advice?
- The ABCs of 1-2-3: The key to financial literacy / numeracy
- A short quiz about your financial foibles
- The cost of getting advice from your banker
- Longevity over the last 100,000 years
- What’s worse than fine print?
- Where are the customer ratings for advisors?
- How the wealthy feel about their advisors and The wealthy reveal how their advisors fail them
- How CRA identifies issues that concern them (and then you)
- The risk of financial innovation
- Is the best advice free or for-fee?
- What are you doing about your high investment expenses?
- Keeping promises: Corporate governance 2011
The Top 5 Podcasts
If you prefer, you can listen to podcasts. Here are the top five.- Does billionaire Seymour Schulich help you "Get Smarter"? (#1 in 2010)
- "The Snowball" rolls into Warren Buffett (#2 in 2010)
- The three major obstacles to growth according to Brian Tracy (#4 in 2010)
- Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell: Mastery plus Opportunity trumps Talent (#5 in 2010)
- Warren Buffett’s touch career choice: actuary or billionaire
The Top 3 Countries
You read from 138 countries (up from 128).- United States: New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Houston (#2 in 2010)
- Canada: Toronto, Vancouver, Calgary, Ottawa, Edmonton (same order as 2010)
- United Kingdom: London, Kensington, Manchester, Edinburgh, Lambeth
Sources of Traffic
- Search engines: 69% (up from 43%)
- Referring sites: 14% (down from 22%) [main sources: LinkedIn, Taxevity, Twitter]
- Direct: 17% (down from 20%)
Here are the top keywords typed into search engines to get here.- 7 habits of highly effective people quotes (#1 in 2010)
- seymour schulich (#2 in 2010)
- quotes from 7 habits of highly effective people
- seven habits of highly effective people quotes
- career change actuary
- the 7 habits of highly effective people quotes
- warren buffett life insurance
- quotes from the 7 habits of highly effective people
- napoleon hill
- 6 basic fears
Browsers Used
- Internet Explorer: 37% (down from 44%)
- Firefox: 25% (down from 32%)
- Chrome: 20% (up from 12%) [was 2% in 2009]
- Safari: 14% (up from 9%) [was 2% in 2009]
Operating Systems
- Windows: 76% (down from 83%)
- Macintosh: 12% (up from 11%)
- iOS: 7% (up from 3%)
- Linux: 1% (down from 2%)
Screen Resolution
- 1280x800: 19% (down from 20%)
- 1024x768: 12% (down from 18%) [was 35% in 2008]
- 1366x768: 12% (up from 5%)
- 1440x900: 8% (unchanged)
- 1280x1024: 8% (down from 13%)
Mobile Devices
In 2011, 9% visited with mobile devices (up from 3.5%). Apple devices still rule (76%) followed by Android (18%) and Blackberry (5%). The iPhone is the most popular device (25% of mobile visits) followed by the iPad (20% and the longest visits).Links
- Your favourite posts here: 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007
- Your favourite posts for entrepreneurs: 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007
- image courtesy of Billy Alexander (Charlotte, North Carolina)
Podcast Episode 150 (9:45)
direct download | Internet Archive page | iTunes
PS Back to regular posts next week
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